
Friday, May 1, 2009

kurus dgn teh?

We've already heard a gajillion times about the numerous benefits of green tea, but did you know that these teas also have many health benefits that aren't talked about as often:

1. chammomile tea
2. hibiscus tea (common in most "herbal teas")

In fact, I just read a study the other day that indicated chammomile tea can help to control blood sugar levels (which can help diabetics but also non-diabetics too), and more stable blood sugar levels can possibly help you to lose body fat as well.

I've also seen theories that some of the natural compounds in chammomile tea can help to counteract the effect of estrogenic pesticides and other chemicals that our bodies encounter through our food supply and environment.

Since chammomile tea also is known as a calming or relaxing tea, I try to have my daily cup of chammomile tea an hour or so before bedtime each night.

As for Hibiscus tea (usually the main ingredient in many "herbal" teas), I also recently read a study that shows a mild, but helpful reduction in blood pressure from drinking hibiscus tea daily. The study I read about for hibiscus tea was presented at an American Heart Association conference:

"The findings show that the volunteers who drank hibiscus tea had a 7.2 point drop in their systolic blood pressure, compared to a 1.3 point drop in the volunteers who drank the placebo beverage". *Other teas - green, white, black, oolong, red, mate, etc*

Don't be lazy... be lean.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition SpecialistCertified Personal Trainer
Truth About

p/s: shah inderawan aka tomok, is the OIAM season 3 winner....
undian rendah, patutnya dah terkuar, alih2 menang..
tapi showmanship dia bagus.. 90%.
tetibe aku tingat how mawi boleh terkuar then menang..

apa2 pon, rezeki dia dapat rm1,000,000...


joegrimjow said...

ku minum herbalife punye tea
antioxsida + hibiscus

||alis|| said...

joe: ha kan.. mesti ade masuk hibiscus kan.. padahal kat depan rumah banyak tanam, nak kaler apa sume ade.. huhu.. tapi buat masa nih chammomile tea mmg sangat menenangkan aku..

kakpiah said...

kat umah baru nanti kakpiah nak tanam la pokok hibiscus barang sepasu dua.. ;p

kakpiah dah agak dahh..
musti tomok yg menang..
mcm diranchang2 jer gitu..
wahh kakpiah wat speku..:D

Tijah said...

takpe la. since aku dah tanam mas cotek byk..aku pakai tu jer la. petua sazah tu kan?

pari pari syurga said...

byk betul peTUA-peTUA yer....


||alis|| said...

kakpiah: rumah baru? RUMAH BARU???? tahniah.. murah rejeki akak 2009 nih :)

kakjah: mas cotek pon mas cotek la kakjah... slma nih aku igt sabun tanah tuh buat samak jer, tak buat pakai kat muka.. :P

anim: ko mmg kan? nak ckp kakjah ngan kakpiah TUA la tuh... tak baik tau ko dik..

Kapten Luffy said...

ku jual green tea ker skang O_o

||alis|| said...

zali: tak la.. mana ada. aku jual org jer skrg nih.. haa.. ade bran??